Michael Moore Wants the Rock, The Rock for President, Dwayne Johnson

Michael Moore Wants the Rock to Do What?

This past presidential election was groundbreaking. Instead of a lifelong politician, we have a lifelong businessman in office. But let's not get too carried away. What's that you say? Michael Moore wants the R...

Tucker Carlson Smashes Megyn Kelly's Ratings

0hMuch was made about who should replace Megyn Kelly on Fox News. Well, they found a replacement. Tucker Carlson smashes Megyn Kelly's ratings in the prime time slot. In his first week he was up over 27% of Kel...

Paid Anti-Trump Protester Speaks Out

There has been a speculation about protesters at Trump rallies being paid. Well now a paid Anti-Trump protester speaks out and brings some clarity. This man protested at a rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona. T...

Tomi Lahren Made Hillary's Life Hell

Sure, Tomi Lahren is easy on the eyes. On top of that, she's a brilliant conservative. Well, now Tomi Lahren made Hillary's life hell. Check out this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqtYX8To6mg Wha...

Hillary's Top 5 Debate Lies - Must See Video!

As usual there will always be controversy with a list of Hillary top lies. It's because there are always too many to remember. But here are Hillary's top 5 debate lies. Let's go ahead and call them Hillary's to...

Cops FURIOUS About Dems Document Leak

Well, the hacker Guccifer 2.0 has struck again. This time he has leaked Democratic documents and he has cops furious about Dems document leak. The hack offered a behind the scenes look at the Democratic Party's...

How Will Hillary Clinton Steal the Election?

As we all know, Hillary Clinton lies know no bounds. She already stole the primary from Bernie Sanders. So how will Hillary Clinton steal the election? Check out this video for how she plans to do it. How Will...

Three More Clinton Foes Found Dead

The allegations continue to pile up after three more Clinton foes found dead. It appears when the Clintons cannot overcome an enemy they have them disposed. There is even a website detailing the hundreds of...