Well, the hacker Guccifer 2.0 has struck again. This time he has leaked Democratic documents and he has cops furious about Dems document leak. The hack offered a behind the scenes look at the Democratic Party's internal work going down in Florida.

Cops FURIOUS About Dems Document Leak

Cops FURIOUS About Dems Document Leak

Per Conservative Tribune:

According to the Washington Examiner, most of the documents covered the rather mundane details of county-level electoral demographics, fundraising and general campaign information, but some of them also included highly critical background research information on certain Democrat primary candidates.

One such candidate was Bob Poe, a former state party leader running for the District 10 seat who was viewed as too pro-business and pro-police when compared with more progressive Democrats.

Aside from criticizing him for being a moderate Democrat, the research file slammed Poe for the dismal manner in which he led the state during the 2000 presidential election and 2002 redistricting fight.

The file also concentrated on Poe’s friendship and financial ties to controversial fellow Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson, from whom the party was trying to distance itself, and raised questions about their business dealings and investments together.

Hypocritically, the supposed party of LGBT individuals ripped the openly gay Poe for cheating on his former wife and abandoning his family.

A similar dossier was also compiled on former Democrat Rep. Joe Garcia, who is running for the 26th District congressional seat.

Garcia was laughably called out for being “hypocritical” and “too corrupt” and “scandal plagued” to earn the party’s support in the primary.

Does the Democratic Party Hate the Police?

The national Democrat Party has been exposed once again for choosing sides and meddling in internal party primary elections, something it claims not to do but which was witnessed nationwide during the recent battle between Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her primary challenger, independent socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, as exposed by Wikileaks.

The Democrat Party has muddied the waters about where exactly it stands on many issues, with hypocrisy being its most consistent position.

One thing is for sure. The Democrat Party certainly does not stand with the police. Like and share on Facebook if you are sick and tired of the hypocritical Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton.

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