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Norm Macdonald is Betting on Trump

While most of Hollywood is anti-Trump, Norm Macdonald is betting on Trump. He took to Twitter to explain why he thinks Trump will be a successful president.

Did Trump Punk Lester Holt? Must See Video

It's been well known that Donald Trump was not happy with Lester Holt's performance as moderator. Did Trump punk Lester Holt? You be the judge. Did Trump Punk Lester Holt? He did eventually go back and sh...

Lester Holt was a Hillary Clinton Pawn

During the debate it was very clear that Lester Holt was much more in favor of one candidate. Truth told, Lester Holt was a Hillary Clinton pawn during the debate. There were many questions that Lester H...

Cops FURIOUS About Dems Document Leak

Well, the hacker Guccifer 2.0 has struck again. This time he has leaked Democratic documents and he has cops furious about Dems document leak. The hack offered a behind the scenes look at the Democratic Party's...

American Shooter Speaks on Gun Control

At the London Olympics, Kim Rhode was taken back when asked about gun control. Now we are more used to seeing the headline, "American shooter speaks on gun control." Now, the most decorated United States...

Hillary's Latest Lie - Unbelievable!

As we know very well by now, Hillary is not a fan of the truth. This latest lie is unbelievable. This was during her DNC speech. Per BizPac Review: “I remember meeting a young girl in a wheelchair on ...