#HackingHillary is Back at it - Video

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was at a rally in Fort Pierce, FL. During this rally, #HackingHillary was back at it. She tries to fight it off, but cannot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJC22dsjkAM ...

Hannity: Hillary Will be Obama on Steroids

It seems there were varying opinions on the debate. For Sean Hannity it is very clear. Trump won the debate. The mainstream media is distorting the truth. Because of things like this, Hillary will be Obama on s...

Proof Hillary Started The Birther Craze

Hillary Clinton has really been slamming Donald Trump for his birther stance on Obama. Well here is proof Hillary started the birther craze. She even took it a step further and demanded Trump apologize about...

Mexico Wants to Build Their Own Wall

Much has been made about Donald Trump's plan to build the wall. Well now Mexico wants to build their own wall to keep out illegal immigrants from Central America. Mexicans want to build a border to keep out ...

Hillary Is Done

Check out this essay by the Market Ticker: Hillary's campaign ended today with the now-infamous all-on collapse that the spin doctors are now claiming was due to "pneumonia" she "was diagnosed with Frida...

Clinton Foundation Should Be Closed

Anyone with a brain would agree with this statement. It's a hotbed for corruption. The Clinton Foundation should be closed. On Monday Donald Trump called for the Clinton Foundation to be shut down immedi...

BREAKING: Email From ISIS to Obama

Earlier this week it was echoed that Obama and Hillary co-founded ISIS. Now it is getting even worse. There was an email from ISIS to Obama. Email From ISIS to Obama Just last month, The Conservative Daily Po...

BREAKING: Texas Hates Hillary Clinton

Hillary has literally no chance of winning Texas in the presidential election. Recently it was reported how Hillary is 6 points behind in Texas. Let's not get confused. Texas hates Hillary Clinton. They see rig...