Earlier this week it was echoed that Obama and Hillary co-founded ISIS. Now it is getting even worse. There was an email from ISIS to Obama.

Email From ISIS to Obama

Just last month, The Conservative Daily Post reported that Hillary received classified information that Obama was supporting al Qaeda in Iraq.

The leaked memo made it abundantly clear that AQI used Muhammad Al Adnani as their spokesman.  He is now the spokesman for ISIS. Barack Hussein Obama was literally paying them money, according to the leaked memo.

Obama’s plan was to support the terrorist group until they overthrew Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad. Toppling dictators and supporting terrorist groups has NEVER worked, but Hillary was a heavy proponent of this idea.

On Bloomberg News, even Hezbollah’s leader echoes Trump. “This American candidate, who speaks in the name of the American Republican Party, has facts that can support this assertion,” Nasrallah said in a speech on Saturday, according to a transcript published by Al Manar TV.

Per Judicial Watch, this classified intelligence made it to Hillary Clinton and President Obama in 2012.

email from isis to obama

Things continue to get worse and worse when it comes to our government. We must get this out. Please like and share on Facebook in order to make sure Hillary or Obama are not in control much longer!


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