
Donald Trump Takes Care of Business

Every week, the mainstream media has a different issue they take with Trump. When it comes to this one, Donald Trump takes care of business. Donald Trump just announced that he will "leave his business in to...

BLM Protesters Jailed for Blocking Highway

Activists backing BLM are going to pay the price for their actions in July. It's about time. BLM protesters jailed for blocking highway. Per the Daily Caller: The Richmond, Va. protest, which falls in...

Donald Trump Thank You Tour Begins in Ohio

Donald Trump wants to show appreciation for all of his supporters. The Donald Trump Thank You Tour begins in Ohio. It is Thursday at 7 PM. It should be a really fun rally. Per NBC News: Trump to Kick ...

Racist Democrat: No More White People

You know the saying, "It's only racist if a white person says it." Here is a great example. This racist Democrat says no more white people, when it comes to the top of the Democratic Party.  Take a look. No Mo...

Obama Says Electoral System is Rigged!

My how the tables have turned. Obama says electoral system is rigged. Not long ago he was ridiculing Donald Trump for similar statements. While at a press conference in Peru, Obama accused the Republican...

What is #PizzaGate?

You have probably heard the hashtag #PizzaGate. What is #PizzaGate? The mainstream media has shut it down, but here is information on what it really is. It's pr...
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