
What is #PizzaGate?

You have probably heard the hashtag #PizzaGate. What is #PizzaGate? The mainstream media has shut it down, but here is information on what it really is. It's pr...

A Collection of Media Hypocrisy

As you probably know, the media has had some incredibly hypocritical moments. Well here is a collection of media hypocrisy. To make things easier for you. Collection of Media Hypocrisy

Marco Rubio Destroys Fidel Castro

Marco Rubio did his part to take down the positive outlook on Fidel Castro - unlike the media. Marco Rubio destroys Fidel Castro in this video, must see. How are ...

Hillary is Attempting to Steal the Election

Despite criticizing Donald Trump for saying he would not accept the election results, Hillary is attempting to steal the election. This all started earlier this week when a group of scientists claimed th...

Hillary Stages a "Random" Shopping Encounter

Does anyone ever trust the crooked Clintons? Is very move they make fake or planned? Hillary stages a "random" shopping encounter. Yes, you read that right. Kinda funny that just like in her hiking encounter...
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