
Racist Meltdown by Hillary Clinton

As we know, Hillary Clinton has had many meltdowns over the years. This video catches many of them including a racist meltdown by Hillary Clinton. So many examp...

Anti-Trump Protesters Keep Getting Dumber

Protesting is fine if done in an orderly manner. Well that's not how it is going. Anti-Trump protesters keep getting dumber and dumber. Watch the video. This is...

Trump's Muslim Registry is More Fake News

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump creating a "Muslim Registry." It is important to understand that Trump's Muslim Registry doesn't exist. Trump's Muslim Registry - FAKE! The registry that do...

Liberals Turn to Violence Against Trump

The left has been a mess since Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. That's no secret. Now the liberals turn to violence against Trump. Bash Trump's Face What a despicable group. Do your part to exp...

The Most Badass Trump Moments - Must See!

Donald Trump's ride to the White House has been a wild ride, for sure. This video has the most badass Trump moments. You absolutely must check this out! No matt...

Trump Does Not Bow to Japanese Leader

There are going to be more and more differences between President-elect Trump and President Obama. For instance, Trump does not bow to Japanese leader. On Twitter someone was nice enough to point out the dif...
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