
Trump Gains Votes in Wisconsin Recount

So Jill Stein is up to $3.5 million in blown money for a recount. You won't believe this. Trump gains votes in Wisconsin recount. Wisconsin Recount Update The Blaze with an update on the recount: At th...
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Were You Invited to Hillary's Party?

During the election Hillary portrayed herself as one of us. Were you invited to Hillary's party? If she was one of us, wouldn't we be invited? Oh, this party was only for her millionaire donors. Hillary's P...

Look Who was Spotted Leaving Trump Tower

When Donald Trump became president he said he would stand for all Americans. He wasn't laying. Look who was spotted leaving Trump Tower. Al Gore Spotted Leaving Trump Tower Right around the same time Al G...

Ohio Students Can't Say Terrorism

There was a video report that walked around campus to talk to students about the incident on campus. Ohio students can't say terrorism. You must see this. It has been proven that he is a Muslim and that ISIS is...

Trump Attacks China on Twitter - Must See

President-elect Donald Trump took aim at China this morning. Liberals are going to be outraged. Trump attacks China on Twitter. You gotta see this. First it was their current devaluation he went after. https:...

Kellyanne Conway Destroys Robby Mook - VIDEO

Kellyanne Conway did an interview on CNN with Jake Tapper and Robby Mook. Well, Kellyanne Conway destroys Robby Mook. You gotta see this! “I think the biggest fake news was that Donald Trump couldn’t win...

Trump Victory Rally in Cincinnati

Donald Trump promised a visit to many of the people who helped him become president. Here is the speech at the Trump victory rally in Cincinnati. It looks like ...

Most Badass Trump Moments

Whether you are for or against Trump, you have to admit he's had some badass moments. Here are the most badass Trump moments. If you enjoyed these, share them on Facebook....

CNN Makes an Insane Request to Women

It is very clear that CNN is completely losing its mind at this point. That's hard to dispute. Now, CNN makes an insane request to women. CNN is Officially Off the Reservation
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