Cops FURIOUS About Dems Document Leak

Well, the hacker Guccifer 2.0 has struck again. This time he has leaked Democratic documents and he has cops furious about Dems document leak. The hack offered a behind the scenes look at the Democratic Party's...

Clinton Body Count: Incredible Video

The Clinton body count is something the mainstream media refuses to report on. This is a video that has an in depth analysis of the deaths related to the Clintons. "Accidental deaths" and "suicides" are often w...

Seth Rich DNC Leaker? Assange Thinks So

On July 8, 2016 Seth Rich was murdered in DC. He was left with his wallet, phone and watch, so they failed if it was. Was Seth Rich DNC leaker murdered? Assange hints he may be. Shortly after he was murd...

Three More Clinton Foes Found Dead

The allegations continue to pile up after three more Clinton foes found dead. It appears when the Clintons cannot overcome an enemy they have them disposed. There is even a website detailing the hundreds of...