Starbucks Follows Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia, no women in starbucks, black lives matter

Starbucks Follows Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia

Here is proof that Starbucks follows Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia. A woman attempted to order but the the store refused her and advised her to send a man. Here is her post on Twitter just after this happened. ...

Hillary Stages a "Random" Shopping Encounter

Does anyone ever trust the crooked Clintons? Is very move they make fake or planned? Hillary stages a "random" shopping encounter. Yes, you read that right. Kinda funny that just like in her hiking encounter...

Obama Loses Countrol of His Own Rally

We all know that Obama has had trouble controlling this country. Well now it gets worse. Obama loses control of his own rally. You've gotta see this video. What a struggle for Obama during his rally. He ...

The Media Pondered McCain's Mortality

The press has been demonizing people who question Hillary Clinton's health. Let's not forget, the media powdered McCain's mortality. The Media Pondered McCain's Mortality Per The Daily Caller: In 2008,...