With Trump's first 100 days coming to a close, a lot of people are wondering, will Obamacare be repealed this week?

Earlier this month Congress left for a two week Easter recess. At that point they had failed to come to an agreement on the repeal legislation. Many members of the Trump administration have renewed their negotiation efforts. They are looking to reach a compromise that everyone can support. The conservative House Freedom Caucus and moderate Tuesday group are working hard and getting close to the final stages of coming to a deal.

Per The Daily Caller:

Multiple sources on Saturday’s House GOP conference call confirmed the House Committee on Energy and Commerce working to assist with language on an amendment brokered between HFC Chairman Mark Meadows and Tuesday Group Co-Chairman Tom MacArthur, which is expected to make substantial changed to the bill.

The text is expected to allow states to waive out of a number of Obamacare’s Title I regulations, which conservatives argue is the only way to bring premiums down in a meaningful way, while ensuring those with preexisting conditions remain covered.

House Republicans are said to be discussing the changes with members of the Senate to ensure the bill will easily pass both chambers.

With the House Budget Committee expected to unveil its 2018 budget, which is slated to include reconciliation instructions for tax reform, sometime in May, members are feeling the pressure to move on the 2017 budget being used to repeal the Affordable Care Act. If they fail to come together on the measure, it will make health-care reform exponentially more difficult since the reconciliation bill allows them to pass the measure with just a simple majority in the Senate.

While all indications suggest that progress is certainly being made, a vote has not been scheduled for when Congress returns on Tuesday. It's still not clear whether or not there will be enough votes to pass. President Trump has indicated that he is not afraid to work across the aisle if the Republicans fail to come to a consensus.

Will Obamacare be repealed this week? Only time will tell. We will follow the story as closely as possible and provide updates around the clock.

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