Tucker Carlson's First-Grade Teacher Disputes Comments About Her in His Book

Shared with permission from Daily Patriot Report

According to reports, Fox New host Tucker Carlson's first grade teacher, Marianna Raymond, is not pleased about his description of her in his book, published in 2018.

In the book "Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution," Carlson recalls how he was raised in San Diego and notes his experience as a student at La Jolla Country Day School, with Raymond as his teacher.

The Hill reports:

According to excerpts from the book referenced in a Washington Post article Wednesday about Carlson, he described Raymond as “a parody of earth-mother liberalism” who “wore long Indian-print skirts. ... She had little interest in conventional academic topics, like reading and penmanship.”

He also claimed that she cried at her desk at one point and said: “The world is so unfair! You don’t know that yet. But you’ll find out!”

“Mrs. Raymond never did teach us; my father had to hire a tutor to get me through phonics,” Carlson explained, and also stated that he wished the left would “stop blubbering and teach us to read.”

On Wednesday, Raymond was interviewed by the Post, and disputed Carlson's description of her. She stated that she never cried at her desk and that she did not wear Indian skirts. Hmmm...

“Oh my God. That is the most embellished, crazy thing I ever heard,” she declared.

She also told the Post that she didn't share her political views as a teacher, and that she taught Carlson to read and was later hired to privately tutor him at home.

Raymond told the newspaper she was unaware of how Carlson had characterized her in the book until she was contacted by the Post for the article.

I wonder if there are any old photos of her floating around that would prove whether or not she wore those skirts.

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