Tomi Lahren Defends Caitlyn Jenner After ‘Despicable’ CPAC Attacks (VIDEO)

Shared with permission from Daily Patriot Report

Conservative sweetheart Tomi Lahren defended Caitlyn Jenner after the California gubernatorial candidate was chased out of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and called a variation of transphobic slurs.

"The attacks on [Jenner] are despicable," Lahren tweeted. "I’ll go to bat for her every single time and if you want to take my 'conservative' card for it, take it and shove it. Your mob is no better than the Left’s and in fact, it’s uglier."

On Saturday, a far-right “activist” posted a classless video of himself chasing Jenner around the conference and repeatedly calling Jenner by “Bruce,” and “a sick freak.”

He also verbally chastised attendees for wanting a photo with Jenner, asking why people wanted a picture with a “tranny.”

Earlier this year, Jenner announced a bid as governor of California.

“The American Dream grew up here. Yet, career politicians and their policies have destroyed that dream. It’s been locked away, closed, shuttered, left in the dark, burned down,” Jenner said at the time. "The government is now involved in every part of our lives. They’ve taken our money, our jobs, and our freedom. California needs a disruptor — a thoughtful disruptor."

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