RINO Romney: ‘I Trust President Biden – I Take Him at His Word’

RINO Senator Mitt Romney sold out his party a long time ago. On Saturday, he continued on his misguided path and declared that he trusts President Joe Biden, and takes him at his word.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper said, “You just heard the president say he trusts you, based on the whiplash over the last few days, do you trust the president?”

Romney replied, “I do trust the president. and he made very clear in the much larger statement that came out over the weekend carefully crafted and thought through piece-by-piece that if the infrastructure bill reaches his desk and it comes alone, he will sign it. At the same time, I recognize that he and his Democrat colleagues want more than that, want other legislation as well. We, Republicans, are saying absolutely no. At the same time, trillions of dollars of new spending is something we will not support. Fixing the infrastructure in our country and fixing our airports and roads and bridges and transit system and rail is something we will support. We can get the job done.”

Tapper asked, “How many Republicans in the Senate do you have committed to vote for this bipartisan infrastructure deal?”

Romney continued, “Well, I believe we will have enough to get it passed. I don’t know exactly where everybody is after the weekend. I certainly can understand why not only myself but a lot of my colleagues were very concerned about what the president was saying on Friday. But I think the waters have been calmed by what he said on Saturday.”

He said, “I called the White House, and the White House called around to each of us I think had been negotiating saying, look, we are going to make clear exactly what the president means and I do take the president at his word.”

Romney added, “I do I take him at his word and a man of honor? Absolutely.”

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