Even Nancy Pelosi Has Condemned Antifa

Even Nancy Pelosi Has Condemned Antifa

Not very often we say good job to Nancy Pelosi. Even Nancy Pelosi has condemned Antifa. She released a statement on Tuesday. Specifically, she condemned the terrorist group's vandalism, violence and threats tha...
Kid Rock Leads in Michigan Senate Poll

Kid Rock Leads in Michigan Senate Poll

Kid Rock set the internet on fire when he teased about a potential Michigan Senate run. Well it's no longer a joke. Kid Rock leads in a Michigan Senate poll. According to a report, Kid Rock leads challenger,...
Even Liberals Want Bill Maher Fired

Even Liberals Want Bill Maher Fired - VIDEO

There have been some terrible missteps this week by comedians. After he called himself a "house n*gger" even liberals want Bill Maher fired. He has since apologized, but it may be a case of too little, too late...