Mass Exodus From Blue States 2016-2017

Mass Exodus From Blue States In 2016-2017

There is a mass exodus of people from three blue states. Hundreds of thousands of people left the states citing crime, high taxes and in some cases weather for the reasons. The state with the largest exodus ...
NFL Ticket Prices Falling

NFL Ticket Prices Falling - As Low As $3

Not only are the ratings tumbling, but NFL ticket prices are falling as well. You can now get into an NFL game for about the price of a cup of coffee. Is the NFL maybe rethinking their social justice warrior...
Obama Compares President Trump To Hitler

Obama Compares President Trump To Hitler

For some reason it's okay for former President Barack Obama to travel all over the world and rip into the current president. It's time for him to go away, enough damage is done. While at the Econ Club in Chi...
More Empty NFL Stadiums

More Empty NFL Stadiums

Early on in the season the NFL hitched their wagon to the NFL anthem protests. It seems they are trying to move on from the protests, but it seems like it is clearly too late. Today the Houston Texans took on t...