U.S. authorities are cracking down on immigration. Now they are targeting illegals who were protected under President Obama.

Not Protected by Obama Program Anymore - U.S. Authorities Begin Arresting Illegals, ICE Raids

Per Yahoo:

U.S. authorities have arrested an immigrant from Mexico who was brought to the United States illegally as a child and later given a work permit during the Obama administration in what could be the first detention of its kind under President Donald Trump…

…Ramirez, now in custody in Tacoma, Washington, was granted temporary permission to live and work legally in the United States under a program called the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, established in 2012 by Democratic President Obama, according to a court filing.

The program protects from deportation 750,000 people who were brought to the United States illegally as children, sometimes called the “dreamers,” and gives them the temporary right to work legally in the United States.

Last week alone over 600 illegals were arrested. There is a nationwide effort being put in place to crack down on illegal immigration. ICE has been hard and work and will continue to be.

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