Woman Shares Shocking Details of Being Ripped Off by Sandwich Chain 'Subway'

Letitia Bishop faced a shocking situation when she was charged over $1,000 for a Subway sandwich. This incident occurred at the Subway Thornton Oil store in Columbus, Ohio, on January 5. Bishop intended to buy subs for her family but ended up with an exorbitant charge on her debit card: $1,021.50.

The charge vastly exceeded the normal price range for a Subway footlong, which is usually between $6.50 and $12. The receipt from this transaction was featured in a report by WSYC ABC 6's "On Your Side."

Bishop shared her distress with ABC 6, stating, "I'm stressed, overwhelmed." She found herself unable to buy groceries, as her account went into the negatives due to the charge.

Efforts to resolve the issue with the store directly led nowhere. Staff at the Subway directed Bishop to contact Subway's corporate office, which she attempted several times without success.

Bishop even returned to the Subway, only to discover it had shut down. The store's website now lists it as "temporarily closed."

Feeling desperate, Bishop told ABC 6, "I'm just trying to make ends meet at this point in time." Attempts to get the charge reversed through her bank also failed, leaving her without recourse.

Nearly two months after the incident, Bishop had not yet received a refund for the overcharged sandwich.