White House Press Secretary Gets Called Out For Biden's Victory Lap on Economy

Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich questioned White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre for the Biden administration's victory lap on the current economy.

This was very much needed as anyone with a brain should be able to realize the economy is not in a great place. Despite this President Biden claims that he lowered the deficit while former President Donald Trump’s administration lost jobs.

Heinrich questioned these claims by the Biden administration.

“Today, the president seemed to be factoring some this GOP messaging on the economy and he told people that Republicans like to call Democrats big spenders and people should like facts. But the facts don’t seem to be exactly how he’s painting it on some of these issues. He has claimed repeatedly that the administration reduced the deficit, but if you break it down, spending was high because of the pandemic. Those programs expired and that brought down the deficit … and on the jobs claim that President Trump was the first to lose jobs during his administration and he claimed that he had created 10 million new jobs, but in reality, those jobs have mostly been added back.”

“How are people supposed to take this kind of messaging seriously when some of this feels like smoke and mirrors?” she continued.

The disconnect between the Democratic Party and reality is insane. Have they never made a trip to the grocery store? Have they ever filled up their tanks? Claiming the economy is great right now is a really tough sell.

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