WATCH: Priest Condemns Anyone in Congregation Who Voted Biden, Warns About 'Dark Days'

While most politics stories in the current news cycle are about people being cancelled for supporting President Trump, this one goes against the grain. A South Carolina priest condemns anyone in his church who voted for Joe Biden and warned them there are dark days ahead.

It's so great to find someone who isn't afraid to stand up for what they believe in. This is must see stuff.

Check it out:

South Carolina Catholic Priest Jeffrey Kirby put his parishioners on notice for darks days ahead.

“Some of you, I know, voted for someone who is now going to suffer and persecute the church for the next four years. That on top of the fact that he supports the utter slaughter of the unborn,” Kirby said to his church on Dec. 29, per Western Journal.

“What have you done to your church?” Kirby questioned.

“Watch how our hospitals disappear because we will not follow government dictates. Watch how our support of unwed mothers disappears because of constant and unreasonable regulations. Watch as mother church shrinks. Watch how she is treated by this government, this coming administration.

“And those of you who voted for such an administration bear the responsibility of what you have done. Because we are in for it, folks. And they are already getting ready.

“Have you seen the appointees? Some of the most aggressive, anti-Catholic, anti-organized religion leaders in their various states. And this is what we’re in for.”

Once again, it's so great to see someone stand up for what they believe in, instead of standing up for what the mainstream media tells them to believe in. Kudos to Father Jeffrey Kirby!

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