Report: New York Assembly to Suspend Cuomo Impeachment Investigation

According to reports, the New York state Assembly plans to suspend impeachment investigations into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as he steps down for sexual harassment allegations. How convenient....he resigns and suddenly the investigations end?

Speaker Carl Heastie stated that the Assembly Judiciary Committee has been told by their lawyers that they can't impeach an elected official who is no longer in office.....funny how those same rules didn't seem to apply to former President Donald Trump, huh?

Heastie added that the evidence the committee gathered “could likely have resulted in articles of impeachment had he not resigned.”

Newsmax reports:

Heastie said that he’s asked Judiciary Committee Chair Charles Lavine to turn over “to the relevant investigatory authorities all the evidence the committee has gathered.”


Since March, outside lawyers have been helping the committee conduct a wide-ranging investigation on whether there were grounds to impeach Cuomo, a Democrat. The announcement came on a day the Assembly had initially set as a deadline for Cuomo’s legal team to respond with any additional evidence refuting the allegations against him.

“Let me be clear — the committee’s work over the last several months, although not complete, did uncover credible evidence in relation to allegations that have been made in reference to the governor,” Lavine said.


Some Democrats, including Assemblymember Ron Kim, had urged the Assembly to impeach Cuomo anyway to prevent him from running for office again in New York.

This all sounds way too fishy to me. Something else is going on here.

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Sen. Cruz: 'Pelosi is Drunk on Power' - Probably Vodka Too

On Thursday, Senator Ted Cruz slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor, declaring that she is drunk on power with her new mask mandates. Power isn't the only thing she is drunk on...I'd say there is some vodka in the mix too.

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Rep. Greg Murphy Warns Against U.S. 'Orwellian Atmosphere' With COVID

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn: New Mask Mandates an 'Overreach' 

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Commie Canada Proposes ‘Digital Safety Commissioner’ to Block Websites Deemed ‘Harmful’

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