WATCH: Gayle King Announces Her Unvaxxed Fam is Uninvited from Thanksgiving

Earlier this week, CBS anchor Gayle King interviewed Dr. Anthony Fauci. During that interview, she revealed that her family members who remain unvaccinated will not be welcome at Thanksgiving dinner.

Here's my take on that sort of ignorance: If you get a vaccine, it is because you expect it to work. Correct? Okay, now, if you get your vaccine then it should protect you. Right? So what does it matter if I have my vaccine? In theory, you either don't believe that your vaccine works the way you say it does or you are just straight up communist and want everyone to be forced to inject their body with the same things you do.

King asked Fauci what he thinks is the biggest concern regarding the "Delta variant." He replied, “First of all, the virus can transmit much more readily from person to person … given the number of people in the country who are not vaccinated, that really is the concern.”

Fauci continued, “We’re concerned about those regions of the country — those states, those areas, those cities — in which the level of vaccination is really quite low, hovering around 30 percent or so. You’ve got to do much better than that or you’re going to start seeing … a considerable increase in the number of cases that are going to be localized to those areas with low vaccination rates.”

That is when King admitted that she will not be allowing her family members over for Thanksgiving if they have not taken the experimental vaccine.

“I don’t know how many more times you can say to people, ‘Listen, it will save your life,’” she ranted, “I have this problem with some members of my own family, which I’m now going to ban for Thanksgiving vacation. That’s how strongly I’m taking what you’re saying.”


The DailyWire reports:

King has been an outspoken booster of the vaccine in the past. In May, she spoke to late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert about the constant fear she felt at the height of the pandemic, saying, “Honestly. I’ve been so afraid, hunkered down here at home. I’m tired of being scared.” She then described the relief she felt when she was finally eligible to receive the shot.

“I was so afraid to leave the house,” she said of her time during the lockdowns. “We were broadcasting from here, so I’d literally go from my bedroom to the TV room to the kitchen to the bedroom to the TV room. For excitement, I’d go stand in the living room and wave at the birds! ‘Hi, birds! Hi!’ I was so afraid. But now, Stephen, I am vaccinated,” she said. “It is my superpower. I am vaccinated. … I’m taking little baby steps [back into the world].”

King later added, “Here’s the thing: I’m tired of being scared.”

It sounds to me like she is afraid to live her life and therefore wants everyone else around her to take responsibility for HER health. In reality, I am only responsible for the health of myself and my family. She needs to be accountable for herself and her family. That is the bottom line.

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