Russell Brand Weighs in On 2024 Presidential Race: 'Only one will protect democracy'

Actor and comedian Russell Brand is puzzled. He doesn't get why any freedom-loving American would vote for Biden over Trump.

In his podcast "Stay Free with Russell Brand," Brand chatted with model and RNC spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko. They discussed Trump's trial and conviction.

In a preview clip, Brand shared his thoughts on the election. "In a straight choice between Trump and Biden, if you care about democracy, if you care about freedom, I don’t know how you could do anything other than vote for Trump," he told Pipko.

"They act like voting for Trump is voting for Armageddon, with hysterical performances outside courtrooms and endless MSNBC bombast," Brand continued. "But I’m starting to think that a greater threat to democracy is this technological feudalism."

Brand, a critic of censorship, is troubled by the disdain for Trump supporters. He blamed Trump opponents for using the legal system against the former president.

"For a long time, Elizabeth, I’ve been concerned about the snobbery and contempt for Trump supporters," Brand said. "This is while you have an administration that’s copying Trump’s policies and criminalizing him."

"The idea of this Orwellian nightmare, where they say they’re helping you, is a far greater threat than portraying Trump as a mad strongman," Brand added. "What we are facing now is a bigger threat."

Recently, Brand hosted independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on his podcast and performed at a Kennedy campaign event.

Brand has criticized the "liberal establishment" for their "fetishization of small differences" and for being co-opted by financial and military interests.

The actor, who covers news, politics, and spirituality, was recently baptized after turning to Christianity.

Last month, he noted how more people are turning to faith as the modern world loses meaning. He criticized deteriorating value systems and institutions.

"People are cynical about the increasing interest in Christianity and the return to God, but to me, it’s obvious," Brand said. "As our value systems crumble, there’s this familiar awakening figure we’ve known all our lives."

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