Liberal Talk Show Host Gets 'Welcomed' to the Republican Party by Kid Rock

Superstar rocker Kid Rock appeared on Bill Maher's podcast "Club Random." During the appearance, Kid Rock was gracious enough to "welcome" Maher to the Republican Party.

During the interview, Maher told Kid Rock, born Robert James Ritchie, that he'd be a bad parent if he had to deal with the current transgender push.

“I would be a very bad parent right now,” Maher shared. “Because I would fight. We would be very aligned on this, a lot of this. I would be a very bad parent because they would be doing things in the school that I didn’t think was appropriate.”

“Not from either side or point of view,” he continued. “The subject itself. They are five. Can we just do blocks and the sky is blue before we get to drag queens? There’s levels of sophistication that are just …”

“Bill, welcome to the Republican Party,” Ritchie interjected while extending his hand for a handshake.

Maher declined the invite.

“You don’t have to welcome me,” the HBO host said. “And by the way I don’t want to be in the Republican Party at all.”

Ritchie told him he knows some people who could make it happen.

“Oh, I know the invite is there,” Maher fired back. “I don’t want it. Pick another kid for your team.”

You can find the entire episode here:

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