On Sunday John McEnroe had the left in a tizzy by saying Serena Williams would rank around 700th in the mens's circuit. When give the chance, John McEnroe refuses to back off the Serena comments.

Here is the initial exchange McEnroe had with NRP reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro:

Garcia-Navarro: We're talking about male players but there is of course wonderful female players. Let's talk about Serena Williams. You say she is the best female player in the world in the book.

McEnroe: Best female player ever — no question.

Garcia-Navarro: Some wouldn't qualify it, some would say she's the best player in the world. Why qualify it?

McEnroe: Oh! Uh, she's not, you mean, the best player in the world, period?

Garcia-Navarro: Yeah, the best tennis player in the world. You know, why say female player?

McEnroe: Well because if she was in, if she played the men's circuit she'd be like 700 in the world.

What's funny is he was simply answering a question. He didn't go into the interview thinking I'm going to take down Serena Williams. Actually, he said best female player ever, no question. That's some serious praise. But the left isn't willing to think with reason. They are all angry that something they deemed negative was said about a black, female tennis player. They couldn't wait to describe McEnroe as a sexist racist.

Give Johnny Mac credit. He refuses to back down. He appeared on CBS This Morning on Tuesday morning. The host confronted him and he refused to apologize.

Norah O'Donnell asked him, "I'm just waiting, would you like to apologize?"

"Uh, no," McEnroe responded.

John McEnroe Refuses to Back Off Serena Williams Comments

Best of all McEnroe is right. Per The Daily Wire:

Looking at Williams' Universal Tennis Rating (UTR), which is the assigned numerical rating to all tennis players — both men and women — ranging on a 0 to 16.39 scale, the female athlete rates at 13.36, whereas dominant male tennis players like Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic rate at 16.26 and 16.27 respectively. The scale places Williams on-par with average men's college players (ranks about 97th out of the top 125 college men's singles) and nowhere near top-world-ranked men. 

Furthermore, in 1998, Williams actually played a set against a male tennis player ranked 203 in the world, Germany's Karsten Braasch. She got her butt handed to her in embarrassing fashion, taking a 6-1 loss as her opponent smoked cigarettes and sipped beer in between change-overs. 

So Serena Williams called out McEnroe on Twitter and told him to mind his business. Typical hypocrisy of the left. The man answered a question. He's not racist, sexist or anything like that. Keep it moving, Serena.

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