Energy Company Locks Customers Out of Smart Thermostats During 'Energy Emergency'

Utility company Xcel Energy locked thousands of their customers out of their thermostats due to an "energy emergency."

While those smart home thermostats may be cool and have some useful features they also can give those who can access your equipment the ability to control it.

Denver temperatures broke 90 degrees Tuesday and the natural reaction to that is to turn up your air conditioner. Unfortunately, more than 20,000 Xcel Energy customers were unable to do so because the utility company locked their thermostat temperatures remotely.

Emmett Romine, vice president of customer solutions and innovation at Xcel, defended the process and said anyone who had their thermostat locked opted into this at one point.

"So, it helps everybody for people to participate in these programs. It is a bit uncomfortable for a short period of time, but it's very, very helpful," said Romine.

This is why it's always important to read the fine print. That said, did anyone really expect their energy company to lock their thermostat at nearly 80 degrees on a sweltering day?

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