Eating This One Type of Fruit Reduces Your Risk for Diabetes

Eating avocados may help reduce the risk of diabetes. A recent study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics linked avocado consumption to a lower diabetes risk among some Mexican adults.

Researchers analyzed data from the Mexican National Survey of Health and Nutrition from 2012, 2016, and 2018. They focused on 25,640 adults aged 20 and older, with about 59% being female and over 60% having abdominal obesity.

Nearly half the participants ate avocados daily. Men averaged 34.7 grams and women 29.8 grams. "Among women, compared to avocado non-consumers, avocado consumers had more than 20% lower odds of diabetes even after adjusting for various factors," said Feon Cheng, PhD.

Cheng assured that her work with the Avocado Nutrition Center did not affect the study's integrity. She highlighted the significance of this research for Hispanic adults, who face higher risks of developing diabetes.

The study didn’t find the same benefits for men. Cheng pointed out this gender difference and suggested that different lifestyle factors might play a role. Further research is needed to explore these variations.

Avocados are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that may lower the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Tanya Freirich, a dietitian not involved in the study, described avocados as an excellent food choice, rich in omega-3 fats and low in carbs.

However, avocados aren’t a cure-all. "While avocados can reduce diabetes risk, it's also important to consider your overall diet," Freirich advised, emphasizing a balanced diet with reduced sugars and increased fiber.

Michelle Routhenstein also underscored the importance of considering the whole diet and lifestyle factors like stress management and physical activity for diabetes prevention.

Erin Palinski-Wade, a consultant for the HASS Avocado Board, wasn’t surprised by the findings. She explained that avocados contain no sugar and help manage blood sugar levels due to their fiber content.

Including avocados in meals has shown various benefits, like lowering glucose levels after eating. A clinical trial found that eating avocados at breakfast reduced glucose and insulin levels, supporting blood sugar management.

Despite the promising findings, Palinski-Wade noted that the study has limitations and doesn't apply universally. "Avocados can be a great addition to your diet, offering good fats, fiber, and essential nutrients," she said.

The researchers acknowledged limitations in their methodology, particularly the reliance on self-reported data, which may not accurately reflect actual avocado consumption. They also noted that the cross-sectional nature of the study does not establish causation.