A Bernie fan from Palo Alto (imagine that) is facing serious online scrutiny after she went on an insane social media tirade against an old man in a "Make America Great Again" hat. In an instance of instant karma, she has now been terminated by her employer as a result of her actions.

The woman has been identified as social media user Parker Mankey who has since taken down her Facebook profile. She posted the photo of an elderly man in a Starbucks store in a MAGA hat and called on her followers to find the man and harass him.

As usual, the internet is undefeated. Twitter user @RightHookUSA, aka Amy, found the threats by Mankey and took a screenshot of them before she was able to delete them.

Amy tweeted, "Parker Mankey is doxxing an old man on Facebook because he wore a MAGA hat in public. I've messaged Parker & let 'her' know that I will be contacting 'her' husbands work that 'she' publicly posts on her FB page, to show them the violence their employees' wife is promoting."

One of the posts by Mankey read:

"Anybody in Palo Alto know this freak."

"He will never forget me and will think seriously about wearing that hat in my town ever again. If you see him in this hat, please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn't speak up as we slip into fascism."


Amy also shared a photo of Mankey to her own Twitter page:


Mankey's employer was Gryphon Strings. Emphasis on was. They made a post to Facebook that stated Mankey is no longer employed at the store.

"With regard to the aforementioned incident on 4/1/19; the employee in question has been terminated. Gryphon does not believe anyone should be harassed or subject to hate speech no matter their beliefs. Music has historically been something that has brought people of diverse socio-political backgrounds together. We would like to make it clear that the opinions expressed and actions taken by the employee are not indicative of how we conduct ourselves at the shop and we hope we can continue to serve our customers across the country respectfully and universally as we have done for nearly 50 years."

It's good to see someone face repercussions for their hate. In this case it happened very quickly.

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