The Media Passed on this Trump Explanation

It seems the liberal media has passed on allowing Trump to explain himself for a misunderstanding. There were many reports that Trump tweeted a picture of Hillary with a background of $100 dollar bills and a si...

Happy 4th of July

I'd like to take the time to wish a happy Independence Day to everyone out there. I hope you have a great day and get to spend time with your loved ones. ...

House Republicans Fight Back Against Obama

On Friday, a tax plan was introduced by the House that would fit on a postcard. Just what we need, a simplified tax plan. Per Conservative Tribune: “For years, hard working American taxpayers have asked W...

Liberals go After Black Trump Supporter

Just a few weeks ago Quay Manuel had videos go viral due to him schooling liberals. A viral video got millions of plays and it really increased his visibility. Unfortunately, the liberals went in for ret...

Another Unthinkable Obama Executive Order

In Obama's new America, illegal immigrants come before good old American citizens. On top of that, Obama wants prisoners to get favorable treatment. Per Christian Science Monitor: Starting next month,...