Former Vice President and Democratic nominee Joe Biden took a shot at Amazon, threatening them over taxes.

Here's what Sleepy Joe said:

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: No company pulling in billions of dollars in profits should pay a lower tax rate than firefighters and teachers,” Biden said. “It’s time for Amazon to pay its fair share.”

Well, Amazon wasn't going to take that from the old creep and fired right back at Biden and his offensive remark.

“Joe Biden, We pay every cent owed. You spent 3 decades in the Senate & know that Congress wrote these tax laws to encourage companies to invest in the US economy. We have. 500k jobs w/ a min wage of $15/hr across 40 states. Assume your complaint is w/ the tax code, not Amazon.”


DANG! Get em' Amazon!

Amazon decided to go for the kill shot there and they got it.

These left wing politicians fail to understand so much about how business actually works. Honestly, they have no business telling other business owners how to run their own businesses if they don't know enough about business themselves and all the laws that go along with it.

It's so crazy for Biden to cause Amazon of basically cheating when he and his fellow Democrats are largely responsible for the tax laws in our country today.

Biden has spent a lifetime in politics and hasn't once changed the tax code to balance the rates- and anyone who might believe that the tiger has changed his stripes is dreaming.

Democrats are bad for businesses because they want to tax the mess out of them. When you do that, these businesses have to make cuts somewhere because they're not earning as much. It's common sense but who am I kidding, Democrats don't use common sense.

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