There is no doubt that Jeff Bezos is a supporter for the far left. Amazon Alexa is one way he pushes his agenda. He's expanded beyond just using the Washington Post. Steven Crowder proves it in this video.

If you haven't heard of Alexa, it's a digital assistant that was created by Amazon. Apple has Siri, Google has Google Home, but neither of those push the far left like Alexa does.

In this video Steven Crowder goes over a range of topics including Jesus Chris, Muhammad, Black Lives Matter and more. The answers were all very far left. Many of them would be insulting to people.

Alexa called Muhammad a "very rise prophet" and Jesus Christ a "fictional character."

Outside of the controversial views on religion, Alexa also pushes very leftists views on history, economic policies and other elements that will no doubt leave people fuming.

Watch the video.

Amazon Alexa Is A Social Justice Warrior

It is crude at times, as can happen when a comedian does things, but it reveals some serious issues with Alexa. A large portion of the population, including anyone who is not from the far left, would not be happy be happy with Alexa sharing her views on politics, government and anything else she can spout her far left views.

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