Wait, What!? Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Nationals at Southern Border

Last month, more Chinese people entered the U.S. through the southern border than ever before. This broke the record set the month before.

In November 2023, 4,797 Chinese people were found at the U.S.-Mexico border. This number has been breaking records for three months. In October, there were 4,261, and in September, 4,042.

Across the U.S., 7,245 Chinese people were met by immigration officials in November. This is a bit more than the 7,164 in October.

These numbers are much higher than in 2021 and 2022. There were only 450 and 2,176 Chinese people found at the southern border in those years. In 2023, the number jumped to 24,314. In just two months of 2024, it's already over 9,000.

A U.S. Congressman said some of these Chinese people might have links to the Chinese government and military. He got this information from a Border Patrol leader.

New data shows almost 250,000 illegal immigrants were found at the U.S. border in November. This is a record for one month.

Illegal crossings have gone up a lot since President Biden came into office in 2021. Around 1.7 million people have crossed the border without being caught. Under President Trump, from 2018 to 2020, this number was 415,000. The highest ever was in 2022.

There's been a big increase, over 1,000%, in people coming illegally from countries like Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and the Dominican Republic.

Cities like Chicago and New York are having a hard time because of this. Chicago is spending $51 million to help these people. In New York, 50 religious places are being used for them.

Many people don't like how President Biden is handling the border. A Fox News poll showed 62% of people didn't approve, while only 35% did.

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