donald trump western conservative summit

Donald Trump has made it clear that is supporting gun rights is wrong, he does not care if he is right. Last Friday in Denver, Trump praised the NRA and even pointed specifically to two of its executives while doing so.

Trump was the speaker of honor at the Western Conservative Summit. He heaped praise on the NRA and made it clear he will fight for the 2nd Amendment 100%.

“I have to tell you, the NRA — these are terrific people and they love the country. They take a lot of heat, and they don’t have the easiest job, but they love the country,” Trump said.

The NRA is afraid of Hillary Clinton and for good reason. She will do anything she can to take down the 2nd Amendment.

The NRA is in Donald Trump's corner big-time. And if you care about the 2nd Amendment, you also should be.

Here is the video of Trump's speech in Denver.

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