Last week, a video went viral showing Harvard graduate Claira Janover threatening to stab anyone who said to her "all lives matter"

Well, now after her employer caught wind of this, it ended up costing her her job with Deloitte. She has been devastated by the outcome.

Here is some simple advice. Don't act like an idiot and you won't lose your job!

She tried to play it off as though it were a joke, but it's obvious that it wasn't just based on the video alone, but then she added a sarcastic disclaimer with the video that said, "for legal reasons this is a joke". Sounds super sincere, right?

“I know this is what Trump supporters wanted because standing up for Black Lives Matter put me in a place online to be seen by millions of people,” Janover explained. “The job that I worked really hard to get and meant a lot to me just called me and fired me because of everything.”

I will say that yes, it is Trump supporters that wanted something done about it, because liberals are so hateful that they don't mind if someone makes a death threat to someone who says "all lives matter".

In a second video, Janover claimed that “Trump supporters took my job away from me.”

“I have gotten death threats, rape threats, violent threats and it’s okay — but now it’s just like my future is entirely compromised because Trump supporters have decided to come for my life,” she stated. “I’m too strong for you. I am too strong for any of you, ‘all lives matter’ racist Trump supporters. It sucks but it doesn’t suck as much as systemic racism.”

Does anyone else see the irony of her hypocrisy here? Call it karma, call it justice. Whatever it is, she got it.


Here is the video from earlier this week where she threatened to stab the next person who said to her "all lives matter".

Then she mocked white people by mentioning a list of racial slurs against them along with some just disgusting things to say as well.

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