Piers Morgan Puts Pressure on Biden: 'Who's running the country?'

Piers Morgan urged President Biden to resign during his upcoming Oval Office address. He finds it "baffling" that Biden remains in office after exiting the 2024 race.

Morgan discussed why Biden should step down on "Fox & Friends." He believes it's in the best interest of the American people, given concerns about Biden's cognitive abilities.

"Who's running the country? Who's commander-in-chief? Who's got their finger on the nuclear button? Personally, and not to be disrespectful, given the state of Joe Biden right now, I wouldn't trust him to open my bag of chips, let alone press a nuclear button," Morgan told Ainsley Earhardt.

"So I think there's a kind of bafflement that Joe Biden has not actually resigned."

Biden is set to address the nation on Wednesday night, discussing his decision to drop out of the 2024 race and his plans for the rest of his term.

He said in a letter posted on X, "It was in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."

Morgan insists Biden should resign if he truly believes in America. "It is completely farcical that he's continuing to stumble on as the leader of the free world," he said.

"Everybody thinks that he's quit because he's simply not cognitively up to the job anymore. He knows that," Morgan continued. "I don't think he's going to do what I suggest, but I think it would be the right thing to do."

Morgan argues Biden's refusal to resign makes America look "weak" to its adversaries. "I think they're probably thinking, what a moment for America. Look how weak it all looks," he said.

Biden was seen in public for the first time in six days at Dover Air Force Base. He returned to the nation's capital from his home in Delaware.

He answered one question from reporters, saying he is "feeling well" after testing negative for COVID-19.

Biden had not appeared publicly since last week. His only remarks on withdrawing from the 2024 race came during a brief phone call to Kamala Harris' campaign headquarters.

Critics argue Biden cannot serve the remainder of his term if he cannot campaign for a second term. Morgan blamed the mainstream media for protecting him.

"There was a complete conspiracy of delusion and deceit by the mainstream media to delude the American people about the reality of Joe Biden," he argued.