You would expect this in California, but not North Carolina. A North Carolina middle school has brought in drag queens in an effort to encourage students to be different.

Central Park School for Children, located in Durham, North Carolina, brought the transvestites and drag queens to “help students understand what it means to be different,” according to a report from CNN.

“Our drive was to remove barriers to success, belonging and the ability to thrive for all students,” eighth-grade teacher Taylor Schmidt said. “It called for a hard look at the roots of these behaviors and intentional actions to liberate not just the bullied from oppressive acts, but the bully from the oppressive root causes of their actions.”

Kids this age are very impressionable. There is a difference between "being different" and a mental disorder. It's important that these kids realize transvestites, transgenders and drag queens are not seen as "normal." Meanwhile this school is attempting to confirm just the opposite in the mind of these middle schoolers.


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