NBC 'Today Show' Report Shows States with Stricter COVID Policies Experiencing Surge, While Reopened States Dropping

Even the "Today Show" on NBC is realizing these strict COVID policies are not working. The segment was called "COVID Conundrum." They did a report that showed some of the states with stricter COVID policies are experiencing a surge, while some of the reopened states are dropping.

The segment started up with Sam Brock of NBC saying, “Call it a COVID conundrum. In states with the strictest measures in the country, like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and much of New England, cases are on the rise, while in the South, states like Arkansas and Texas that have reopened businesses and ripped away mask mandates are seeing their numbers drop.”

Then there was a show of Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchison declaring, “I’m announcing today that the statewide mask mandate will be lifted,” followed by a clip of Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott announcing, “People and businesses don’t need the state telling them how to operate.”

“So what might explain the apparent contradiction?" Brock continued. "One theory: differences in testing rates. Alabama has experienced one of the biggest dips in infections, more that 52% in two weeks. But it ‘s also dead last in the U.S. for COVID testing.”

“How much does the lack of adequate testing have to do with the numbers we’re seeing right now?” Brock questioned Dr. Aileen Marty of Florida International University. She responded, “When you don’t test you’re blind, and when you’re not testing you have a false sense of what the real problem is in your community.”

Is this the first time the mainstream media is being honest with what's happening with regards to COVID? The states with the strictest rules when it comes to lockdown, masks and business closures have no real statistical advantage over those who do not.

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