There are at least a dozen or more Democrats that definitely need to hit the road after this upcoming election. Truth be told, all of them need to go, but that's almost impossible.

Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Adam Schiff, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Hank Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Green...and that's just to name a few of them, but they all are long overdue for a new job.

Several of these Representatives actually have quite a fight on their hands to try and keep their job in this upcoming election. But especially Rep. Maxine Waters.

Navy veteran Joe E. Collins is running against the California nincompoop to unseat her in the House of Representatives.

Waters is a career politician who has been doing this far too long to not actually get anything productive accomplished.

Collins has reportedly collected more than $3 million in his effort to dethrone Waters.

“You would think that when you are a Black leader in the Black community, your primary responsibility is to ensure that the people that are in your district have what they need in order to survive during times like COVID-19, but, unfortunately, that has not been the case,” Collins told “Fox & Friends," arguing that Waters has failed to help minority-owned businesses in the south Los Angeles district.

“We have tons of black-owned businesses here in Los Angeles that have not been able to receive any type of business. Not from the state, not from the city, not from the federal government. The majority of the reason is because of Maxine Waters.”

Running as a Republican for California's 43rd district, which includes parts of Los Angeles. He is trying to unseat Waters and his campaign has raised $3.1 million. He claimed Waters was “losing trust” with her constituency.

“People want to see Maxine Waters gone,” Collins said, criticizing her for the amount of time spent on the failed bid to impeach and remove President Trump from office.

Fox News

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