Liberal Comedian Snaps After Finding Out Trump is Gaining Traction With Latinos

Actor John Leguizamo erupted in anger on Tuesday, violently striking a piñata after hearing that Donald Trump was gaining Latino support. He was hosting "The Daily Show" when he lambasted a Trump campaign ad aimed at Latino voters.

Leguizamo expressed shock at polling data showing Trump's rising popularity among Latinos. "I mean, clearly, Trump isn’t making any effort to get Latino voters or make them a priority," he scoffed. "But the thing that hurts the most is that his lazy a-- strategy is actually working."

During the show, a news clip revealed that Trump led Biden by six points among Latino voters. In frustration, Leguizamo punched a piñata he had under his desk. As he attacked, he cursed at Trump in Spanish.

After calming down, he warned that Democrats were losing ground. Latino voters, concerned about inflation, seemed to trust Trump more than Biden. "It looks like the Democrats are in trouble," Leguizamo remarked.

He highlighted the centrality of economic issues in the upcoming election. "That’s right. For Latinos, this election is all about inflation! And that makes sense! Inflation is bad right now," he said, doubting Trump’s ability to address the issue.

A recent Axios/Ipsos poll further showed Latino support shifting towards Trump, particularly on economic issues. Only 20% felt Biden was good for the economy, whereas 42% favored Trump. Trump also led in areas like immigration, crime, and public safety.

Lastly, a NY Times/Siena College survey showed Biden at 50% support among Latino voters—a historical low for Democrats. Meanwhile, Trump's 41% support is notably high for a Republican in recent times.

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