Joe Rogan Mocks Kamala Harris' Hypocritical Stance in Poster for Upcoming Comedy Show

Podcast host and comedian Joe Rogan used a poster for an upcoming comedy show as an opportunity to mock the hypocritical political views of Kamala Harris.

In the poster, the UFC host is smoking a joint while being arrested by a laughing Vice President Harris in a police uniform that says "Free Brittney Griner" on her chest.

The Instagram post is accompanied by the caption, “Columbus, Ohio! I’m coming in hot!”

The photo is taking a shot at Harris for defending Brittney Griner and calling for her to be released from jail in Russia, even though Harris put thousands of people in jail for marijuana. While Harris served as San Francisco District Attorney she “oversaw more than 1,900 marijuana convictions,” according to a report by the Mercury News.

“How come you guys didn’t exonerate people that were in jail for marijuana when you said you were going to? They said that they were going to make marijuana federally legal,” Rogan said. “They said they were going to exonerate prisoners who were in jail for non-violent drug offenses. This is what they said. None of that has happened.”

The Mercury News report stated, "Her prosecutors appear to have convicted people on marijuana charges at a higher rate than under her predecessor, based on data about marijuana arrests in the city.”

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