A Jamaican-born Republican woman is challenging Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her seat in Congress, and I am ALL about it!

Sherie Murray believes she can make an actual difference in Congress, unlike AOC.

“There is a crisis in Queens, and it’s called AOC,” she said, “And instead of focusing on us, she’s focusing on being famous. Mainly rolling back progress and authoring the job-killing Green New Deal and killing the Amazon New York deal.”


Murray, now in her late 30's, moved to the United States when she was just 9-years-old. She became a legal citizen and now wants to do her part to help better the country.

“Your representative in Washington chooses self-promotion over service, conflict over constituents, resistance over assistance,” Murray said in a video addressing AOC, “Queens and the Bronx needs someone who will create jobs instead of turning them away.”

She added that Cortez's socialist views are “far, far to the left and it is not connecting with everyday Americans."

When it comes to Medicare, Murray said, "I think a lot of people are happy with their current health insurance.”

She also added, speaking about the Green Deal, “We know that it certainly will kill jobs.”

New York Post reports: 

Murray joins four other Republicans — former cop John Cummings, journalist Ruth Papazian, construction contractor Miguel Hernandez and businessman Antoine Tucker — who have filed to run for her seat.

So far, no Democrats have announced a primary challenge to Ocasio-Cortez, who shocked the Democratic Party establishment in 2018 by toppling Rep. Joe Crowley in a primary.

Murray, a full-time mom who worked for the city’s Jamaica Bus Depot as a teen, founded a TV production and advertising company called The Esemel Group in 2004.

Personally, I would love to see Murray win. She sounds like a solid candidate with a head on her shoulders, unlike AOC who hit every branch falling down the idiot tree.

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