High School Girl Attacks Biden Administration Abandoning Her Lawsuit: ‘These Biological Males Are Just Taking It Away From Us’

Earlier this week, the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice withdrew their support of a lawsuit that would block biological males from competing in sports against females. Former Attorney General Bill Barr supported the lawsuit.

Alanna Smith, one of the three girls who brought up the lawsuit, appeared on Fox News with her attorney, Christiana Holcomb of the Alliance Defending Freedom. While appearing on the show, Smith attacked the Biden administration. She said, “Fairness needs to be restored in our sport and all other women’s sports … these biological males are just taking it away from us.”

How does anyone not see this is an issue? Biological males are going to destroy women's athletics. They will hold every record and win every championship. The left continues to virtue signal and pretend this isn't going to happen.

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Cherokee Nation Chief Demands Jeep Stop Using Tribe’s Name

The principal chief of Cherokee Nation is now demanding that Jeep stop using the tribe’s name on it’s SUVs (Jeep Cherokee) because it “does not honor” them by having their “name plastered on the side of a car.”

Ah. Cancel culture has really come around full circle, huh?

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South Carolina Governor Bans Abortion After Heartbeat Detected

Wow! On Thursday, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster signed a bill that bans abortion after a heartbeat is detected with an ultrasound. There are a few exceptions to this new legislation.

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Graham: ‘If We Follow Trump’s Lead, We Will Win in 2022’

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Mayor Bill de Blasio Tells New Yorkers to ‘Wear Two Masks Until June’

Sometimes the stupidity is just too much....

On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio urged citizens to start wearing TWO masks until at least June. Yes, you read that right: two masks.

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Sen. Rick Scott: ‘Republican Civil War Is Canceled’

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Waitress Fired for Postponing COVID-19 Vaccine Over Fertility Concerns

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Bonnie Jacobson was fired from Brooklyn’s Red Hook Tavern last week after she relayed to her bosses that she was not getting the coronavirus vaccine right away. She is concerned about the effects the vaccine could have on her fertility, and did not want to take any chances.

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Former Clinton Adviser: US Transitioning Into 'Totalitarian State' Under Joe Biden

According to feminist author and former Clinton adviser Naomi Wolf, a totaliarian state is creeping into the United States under President Joe Biden.

Wolf appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Monday. She declared that Biden's "emergency orders" are violating the rights of Americans.

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Elon Musk Takes Shot at Washington Post Story and Owner Jeff Bezos

When asked for comment on a story that accused him of being stretched too thin, Elon Muske fired back at the Washington Post story and WaPo owner Jeff Bezos. “Give my regards to your puppet master," Musk fired back.

“In interviews with a dozen current and former Tesla employees, investors and analysts, critics pointed to a series of questionable business moves, and even outright missteps by Tesla, as a potential symptom of the outside demands on Musk,” The Washington Post article states.

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Bette Midler Compares Rush Limbaugh to KKK

Bette Midler didn’t even wait until Rush Limbaugh’s body was cold before she started comparing him to the racist Ku Klux Klan.

Less than a week after he lost the battle with lung cancer, Midler tweeted a meme of figures in white hoods with the caption “Find Rush Limbaugh.” To add insult to injury, one of  hooded figures donned a Presidential Medal of Freedom, which President Donald Trump gave Limbaugh last year.

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