FL Landlord Tells Tenants to Take Jab or Pack Bags: ‘Don't Want Vaccinated? Move!’

According to reports, a landlord in Lauderhill, Florida is now forcing his tenants to either get the coronavirus vaccine, or move. How can that even be remotely legal? Is that not in violation of their HIPAA rights?

Irby, a tenant in the building for the last two years, told The Washington Post that she was planning to renew her least at the end of August. However, after landlord Santiago A. Alvarez posted the ultimatum to her door, she is not sure what to do considering she does not want the vaccine.

After unsuccessfully attempting to negotiate with the management company, Irby filed a complaint with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. She demanded that she be allowed to renew her lease “without having to disclose my personal health information.”

Thankfully, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been an advocate for medical freedom and the option to choose whether to be vaccinate or not. He even banned businesses from requiring vaccine passports.

Alvarez's policy seriously pushes the boundaries of DeSantis' orders.

Irby’s attorney drafted a letter that was sent to Alvarez alleging he is violating the governor’s executive order forbidding businesses from requiring “patrons or customers” to provide proof of vaccination.

Tenants wishing to renew their leases must now show proof of vaccination, Alvarez said, though he added that he is willing to allow more time for some long-term residents to meet the requirement. Employees who decline to get the vaccine will be terminated, Alvarez said.

“It very much upsets me that my employees are exposed to [covid-19] all days of the week because there is someone who does not want to get vaccinated,” Alvarez said. “If you don’t want to get vaccinated, I have the obligation and the duty to protect my workers and tenants.”

His attorney, Juan C. Zorrilla, told The Post his client is not violating the governor’s order because tenants are not “customers or patrons” and Alvarez is not providing a service to them. Alvarez, who is willing to make exceptions for those who choose not to get vaccinated for religious or medical reasons, is not violating any other state law or county ordinance, Zorrilla added.

A spokeswoman for the governor’s office told The Post in an email that “the law is very clear,” adding that the Department of Health will issue $5,000 fines to businesses, government entities and educational institutions that require proof of vaccination. The law goes into effect Thursday.

Alvarez “can’t require vaccine passports as a condition of entry or service,” Christina Pushaw, a spokeswoman for DeSantis, told The Post.

“You don’t want to get vaccinated? You have to move,” Alvarez continued. “And if you don’t move, one must move forward with eviction.”

He added, “It’s a lack of consideration for your neighbor, it’s a lack of consideration to their own families, to their children.”

Sounds to me like he may have some trouble on his hands if he truly continues on with his ridiculous demands.

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