CNN Sounds the Alarm Over Democrats Losing Ground in Key Demographic

Democrats have been losing ground in all voting groups during the Biden administration. CNN's Harry Etten reported that Democrats are losing support among black voters.

"Compare [74%] to the final polling for 2020 president and 2018 Congress. Back in 2020, it was 84%, 85% in 2018. So, you're clearly seeing right here that there is less support for Democratic candidates for Congress among African-Americans."

While there still aren't as many black GOP voters as black Democrat voters, the lead is shrinking in a major way.

"You can look at the Republican column as well and you can see that 12%, not exactly high, but that's actually the high-water mark. It was 9% in 2020, 9% in 2018. So, basically, what was about a 75, 76-point margin is now down in the low 60s."

This follows a massive shift among Hispanic voters from Democrats to Republicans. Then there's Florida becoming a red state this year.

It's pretty obvious that things are not looking good for the Democratic Party moving forward.

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