CBS News recently put out a story about a woman who is a nurse in Chicago who was so terrified of what was going on that she was in tears in a video that went viral.

The woman in the video quit her job and shared how poor the conditions were at the hospital and how she wasn't allowed to wear a mask.

CBS News pushed the story but later had to backtrack on it.

“In tears, a nurse says she quit her job after she was asked to work in a coronavirus ICU without a face mask: ‘America is not prepared, and nurses are not being protected,'” CBS captioned a video of the nurse in question, later identified as nurse and lifestyle blogger Imaris Vera.

In the video, Vera says, “I quit my job today. I wanted to work, and I was assigned to a COVID patient on an ICU unit that has been converted to a designated COVID unit.”

“None of the nurses are wearing masks, not even surgical masks in the hallways when they’re giving report to each other.”

“I had my own N95 mask. I told my manager, I understand we’re short on supplies, but let me protect myself, let me feel safe. I have family that I have to come home to, and the way things are looking, this isn’t gonna get any better.”

“America is not prepared and nurses are not being protected.”

It was later discovered that the whole thing was inaccurate. This is just an emotional and triggered liberal spouting falsities once again to try and make the President look bad.

Prior to the video going viral, Very shared that she suffers from anxiety and bi-polar depression and that she has been out of the ICU for over a year.

CBS News later issued a statement to help shed some further light on the incident, “Imaris Vera, the nurse in this video, clarified her experience on Monday in a tweet: ‘We were each assigned 1 N95 per 1 covid patient’s room but was not allowed to wear it outside of the room, wear our own N95 mask around the Nurses station or Halls, which I came prepared with.'”

The Daily Wire | The Federalist

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