Well, here we are two weeks from the election and we're still not sure who even won the election.

This seems odd, but it's really not. We often don't really "know" who won the election on election night. There are recounts and lawsuits going on and that's not unheard of.

Of course, the mainstream media are making President Trump out like he's a bad guy for challenging the results, wanting recounts, and making sure that the election was legitimate. These things are all within his rights. But soon we will know for sure who won. I would say we'll know within the next two weeks for sure.

The mainstream media would have you believe that decrepit old Joe Biden won the election and that he did so fairly, but that's not at all the truth.

The truth is that the election still has not been declared despite what CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC, and any of the other alphabet broadcast companies claim.

In the meantime, we've been uncovering loads of fraud and false claims.

Atlanta claimed that a water main broke which was not true. There was a serious lake of poll observers on the Republican side because they wouldn't let them close enough to observe.

I could continue with this, but I'm sure you all know by now what all has been going on.

But essentially, what is going on is that there are hundreds of thousands, and possibly millions of votes that are being deemed as illegal or illegitimate and according to some auditors, statisticians and data analysts, there are enough votes that are illegitimate and should be thrown out that it will overturn the current results of the election.

There are other items already identified and quantified by others. One report isolated Biden only votes from the election which were so large and outside of expectations that they clearly are not reasonable and should at least be reviewed for signatures:

One anomaly that was tweeted by Raheem Kassam of The National Pulse said,

Continued statistical analysis shows wild numbers of people who voted ONLY for Joe Biden and didn’t vote further down the ticket:

Pennsylvania — 98,000
Georgia — 80-90,000
Arizona — 42,000
Michigan — 69- 115,000
Wisconsin — 62,836

I have people going through all the anomalies.

Everything I've seen seems to indicate that there is more than enough evidence to overturn at least some states, if not the entire election. But we'll have to wait and see what happens.

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