Bill Maher Goes on 'The View' and Roasts Them: That's how you 'lose all credibility'

Bill Maher clashed with the hosts of ABC’s "The View" on Tuesday. He warned that avoiding criticism of President Biden could harm one's integrity.

"I’m nervous about saying anything against Biden," Joy Behar said. "Are you afraid you might influence people who are on the fence?"

"I think you lose all credibility," Maher replied. "My bond with my audience is I don’t pull a punch. You’re not going to like everything I say, but you know I’m saying what I think is true."

Though a liberal, Maher has critiqued his own side on woke ideology, COVID-19 management, and Biden’s viability.

Maher pointed out Biden's age, comparing him to Trump. "I saw him yesterday making that speech. I mean, I’m sorry, he’s cadaver-like."

Behar countered, "but his brain is good, he’s still great." Maher compared Biden to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was criticized for not retiring earlier.

"When I came back from the strike in September, I said he should get out," Maher said. "He’s lost the faith of people. It’s not fair. He’s done a pretty good job, but he’s going to be ‘Ruth Bader Biden.’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg stayed too long and ruined her legacy."

Maher recalled, "Obama had her over in 2013 to hint, ‘Hey, spend more time with the grandkids.’ She didn’t take the hint, stayed too long, and now we have a right-wing Supreme Court."

"I said Biden shouldn’t do that, but y’know? Ego. He’s Dracula. He’s not going to give it up now."

Maher later objected to Behar’s comment that Trump supporters might as well "put a swastika" on their MAGA hats.

"I’m not going to defend Donald Trump ever," Maher said. "But I would never say to put the swastika on the cap. You can hate Trump, but you can’t hate everybody who likes him. It’s half the country. I don’t hate half the country."

"How dare you disagree with me," Behar said, laughing.

Maher suggested Trump supporters see him as a defense against policies like children being socially gender transitioned at school.

"What’s going to get him elected is this woke stuff," he said.