Biden Completely Appears to Completely Freeze at Juneteenth Celebration

President Biden seemed to freeze during a Juneteenth celebration at the White House on Monday.

Biden, 81, stood still as stone while Vice President Kamala Harris and others clapped and danced. Gospel singer Kirk Franklin was performing.

Video shows Biden staring blankly, not moving for about 30 seconds. Philonise Floyd, George Floyd's brother, noticed and put his arm around Biden. Biden smiled as they exchanged words and bumped fists.

Republicans, highlighting Biden's age for the 2024 election, were quick to mock him. The White House did not respond immediately.

"Why isn't Biden moving?" the Republican National Committee asked on X.

"Lights are on but no one's home," former President Trump's campaign posted.

"Who said Biden's got no rhythm?" joked Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.

This incident is reminiscent of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., freezing twice last year. McConnell later said he would step down from leadership after the election and not seek re-election.

Critics argue Biden is declining and can't handle presidential duties. Last week, the Wall Street Journal detailed instances where Biden showed lack of clarity in meetings.

The White House and Cabinet members have strongly defended Biden’s mental acuity. They deny claims about his declining abilities.

"President Biden is a savvy and effective leader," said White House spokesman Andrew Bates. "House Republicans' claims are a political tactic that contradict previous statements."

Earlier this year, a DOJ report described Biden as "an elderly man with a poor memory" during a classified documents investigation. This saved him from charges.

Biden has made gaffes since his vice-presidential days. His recent verbal missteps seem more significant.

In May, Biden confused the COVID pandemic's timing, saying it happened during his vice presidency. It actually occurred years later.

Biden has also referenced dead people as alive. In 2022, he called out former Rep. Jackie Walorski, who had died a month earlier.

At a February rally, Biden recalled a G7 meeting and mistakenly referenced French President Mitterand. Mitterand died in 1996.

In 2021, Biden claimed to have spoken with late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died in 2017.

At 81, Biden is the oldest U.S. president. If re-elected, he’ll be 86 at his second term's end. Former President Trump, the likely Republican nominee, is 77.

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