Bill Gates Compares Trump to JFK

Bill Gates had the chance to meet with President-elect Donald Trump. After speaking with Donald Trump, Bill Gates compares Trump to JFK. Bill Gates on Donald Trump Per CNBC: President-elect Donald Trum...

Tomi Lahren Wants 1 Thing for Christmas

The Democratic Party has been desperate to find a way to throw Trump under the bus. Tomi Lahren is pissed. Tomi Lahren wants 1 thing for Christmas. Check it out. The Blame Game All Tomi wants is for the D...

CIA Attempting to Overthrow Trump

There have been many attempts by the mainstream media to take down Trump. Well now the CIA attempting to overthrow Trump. Check it out. Trump vs CIA What a ridic...

Did John McCain Just End his Own Career?

John McCain went on the show "Face the Nation" on CBS to talk about Russian hackers swinging the election. Did John McCain just end his own career? The liberal ...

Wikileaks Claims Leaker is Not Russian

The media claims Russia leaked the info to Wikileaks. Well, Wikileaks claims leaker is not Russian. The media refuses to listen to Wikileaks. That's right, in early November Julian Assange made it clear that...